Title of Conference:
Integrated Workshop on ‘Publication Ethics and Patenting’ and International Conference on “Environmental Sustainability: Innovations, Translational Dimensions and Way Forward” held on 10th to 12th February, 2020 in collaboration with Department of Environmental Science, BBA University, IUCN and Springer Nature.
About the event:
About the Pre-Conference Workshop
A pre-conference workshop was organized on 10th February, 2020 in collaboration with Department of Environmental Science, BBA University, IUCN and Springer Nature.. Experts in the area of publication and patenting were provided latest information on publication of articles/ research papers/ books with leading journals and publication houses. Information about plagiarism and how to be safe from it was also provided. Apart from this, delegates came to know about patent filing in India and abroad.
Theme of the Workshop
- Information about publishing with international journals/publishers
- Publishing books with leading publishers
- Patent filing- National & International
- Paper writing
- Plagiarism and safety tools/software
There were 06 invited speakers and around 150 participants from several countries around the globe attended the workshop.
Theme of the Conference
The theme of the conference was “Environmental Sustainability: Innovations, Translational Dimensions and Way Forward”. Environmental sustainability is one of the biggest issues faced by the mankind and one of the major attention area for researchers, academicians, scholars, governments and non-government organizations at present. The aim of the Conference was to provide a platform for scientists, technicians, and innovators to put forth their views, inventions and thoughts for achieving the goal of environmental sustainability. The technical and scientific sessions of the conference provided an in-depth analysis of issues related to environmental sustainability. Invited talks of experts on the relevant issues including publication in high impact journals, ethics of publication and patenting, enlightened the participants. Scientists and scholars were encouraged to share their ideas and views via presenting papers or posters in different interactive sessions. For boosting the research potential of researchers there was awarded in different categories. There were 21 invited speakers from different countries. The conference was a great success around 200 participants from several countries around the globe attended the conference.